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Here are some examples of the graphics I have made. I have worked with a few different companies making logos and motion graphics for their social media campaigns.

Evapes is a chain of vaping stores. They approached me and asked me to make some motion graphics that they could use on their social media and website. After looking at the type of content they post themselves, I tailored the graphics I made for them to fit with images that had already been posted but I added some of my own flair.

WeTint is a business that specialises in car and window tinting. They asked for some graphics to use on their social media but they also wanted me to make an informational video about the tinting process.
The aim of the moving graphics is to have them stand out amongst static images.
The video was done as a timelapse to show the process of tinting a car while also giving potential customers the information they should know before tinting their car or windows.

Chicken Bum Clothing is an alternative kids clothing brand. For this logo, I wanted to incorporate the name, an alternative flair while also keeping it kid-friendly.
The main focus of the logo is the chick right in the center. My client wanted to make sure a heart was incorporated somewhere on the logo so I decided to put it on the wing. I did not want to go with traditional colours associated with children and chickens so I went with black, white and red in keeping with the alternative theme.
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